Video conference with a physician licensed in the state where you live, to apply for your medical card.
Video conference with your certified physician
completely online, from the comfort of your home.
Wondering how to get your medical marijuana certification? Check out this FAQ and learn more about the process and the requirements.
You will receive a full refund if the doctor does not approve you.
Doctors are available daily from 9 AM to 10 PM, in all US timezones.
Not to worry! If you lost your recommendation, you can always sign in to your account and download a new one.
Your information is confidential and is only shared between you and your doctor. Your medical records will be maintained in our HIPAA compliant secure system. Your health insurance company, employer, or any other entity will NOT have access to this information. Your information is private and secure.
While your state may allow for legal adult-use cannabis, there are many advantages to medical marijuana such as lower sales taxes.