What is Mitochondrial Dysfunction?
Mitochondrial dysfunction, characterized by decreased energy production and increased oxidative stress, is a hallmark of aging. Improving mitochondrial health through dietary supplements, exercise, and medications like coenzyme Q10, is under study for its potential to delay aging and prevent chronic diseases associated with aging.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a condition where the mitochondria—the parts of cells that produce energy—start working less efficiently. This dysfunction is a significant contributor to aging and many age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and cancer. As mitochondria become less effective, they produce less energy and more byproducts that can cause damage to the cell.
Researchers are exploring ways to boost mitochondrial function with the aim of extending lifespan and improving healthspan. Strategies include lifestyle changes like exercise, which has been shown to improve mitochondrial health, and dietary supplements that support mitochondrial function. Improving the health of mitochondria can potentially delay the onset of chronic diseases and extend active, healthy years.