NAD+ Anti-Aging Therapy: Can It Turn Back Time?

woman using nad for anti aging

The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2030, one in every five people in the United States will be aged 65 or older. This prediction is bringing the conversation around aging and its effects on health to the forefront. 

Aging takes a toll on the body and the mind, prompting many individuals to seek solutions to help mitigate the side effects of growing older. 

One promising option gaining traction in the wellness community is NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) therapy. Research suggests that NAD+ may help with the signs of aging. 

But can this therapy truly turn back the clock? Let’s delve into the science behind NAD+ and its potential to redefine the aging process.

What is NAD for anti-aging?

NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is considered a bioactive form of vitamin B3. It plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including many that can have a direct impact on aging. 

NAD+ anti aging therapy is typically administered through an IV drip, or self administered injections, allowing for direct infusion into the bloodstream. This method ensures that the body receives a concentrated dose of NAD+, effectively boosting its levels and promoting various health benefits. It is also available as a nasal spray

Many individuals turn to this treatment not only to enhance their energy levels and mental clarity but also to support overall cellular health and longevity.

How does NAD+ anti-aging work?

As we age, our NAD+ levels gradually decline, a change that has been linked to various age-related diseases, including:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Cancer
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)
  • And more.

In fact, the decline of NAD+ levels associated with aging has been observed across various bodily systems, including:

  • Skin
  • Brain
  • Liver
  • Skeletal/Muscular

The natural decline can disrupt essential cellular functions, leading to many issues for aging individuals. Research has shown that restoring NAD+ levels can potentially slow down or even reverse some of these age-related conditions.

NAD+ anti-aging therapy is designed to restore and boost the NAD+ levels in the body. By administering NAD+ through an intravenous drip (IV), individuals can receive a concentrated dose that is rapidly absorbed, allowing for more immediate benefits. 

NAD anti-aging before and after IV drip

The NAD+ anti-aging IV drip helps to restore the body’s NAD+ levels to more “youthful levels”. By replenishing the NAD+ levels, it can help to reverse or slow some of the side effects of aging. 

It has the potential to:

Improve Cognitive Function

Restoring NAD+ levels has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce neuroinflammation. This can lead to improved memory, clearer thinking, and better overall mental performance.

Reduce Inflammation

In addition to reducing neuroinflammation, “youthful” NAD+ levels have been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation as well. This can contribute to better digestive health and overall wellness, as chronic inflammation in the gut is linked to various health issues.

Boost Cellular Repair

NAD+ is important for DNA repair and cellular maintenance. Increasing levels can help to enhance the body’s ability to repair damaged cells. It also reduces the burden of senescent cells—cells that stop dividing but don’t die—in the skin, helping to reduce the visible signs of aging. 

NAD+ anti-aging vs metformin and rapamycin

When it comes to anti-aging therapies, NAD+, metformin, and rapamycin reign supreme. Each of these treatments has unique mechanisms and benefits that contribute to promoting longevity and improving health as we age.


Rapamycin works by inhibiting the activity of mTORC1, a complex protein that regulates cell growth and metabolism. By slowing down cellular processes associated with aging and age-related diseases, rapamycin can help extend lifespan and improve healthspan. 

This comes in a capsule that is taken once per week. 


Metformin, similarly, acts as an mTORC inhibitor and shares a comparable mechanism of action with rapamycin. Beyond its effects on mTOR, metformin is known to enhance lipid metabolism, improve mitochondrial function, and reduce insulin resistance

Metformin is a tablet taken one to two times daily with meals.

Both rapamycin and metformin are believed to improve cognitive function and reduce the appearance of age-related diseases and conditions

NAD+ Anti-Aging

While metformin and rapamycin target specific pathways involved in aging, NAD anti-aging IV therapy helps to restore the body’s levels of the naturally produced NAD+. 

In contrast, NAD anti-aging IV therapy focuses on restoring the body’s levels of the naturally produced NAD+. Instead of slowing down cellular processes, it boosts cellular energy and promotes cellular function. 

Is NAD+ IV therapy safe to use?

NAD+ anti-aging therapy is considered safe when administered by a licensed medical professional and under appropriate medical supervision. There are potential risks to consider, though they are mild. 

None of the animal models have reported any severe side effects and no major side effects have been reported in the limited human studies. The main issues people see are:

  • Flushing
  • Itching 
  • Elevated liver enzymes

Although there aren’t many reported risks, there is a lack of research on humans, which limits the availability of definitive safety information. This therapy is not recommended for:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Women who are breastfeeding
  • Children

Where to get NAD anti-aging IV?

When considering NAD+ anti-aging IV therapy, it’s essential to seek treatment from a licensed medical professional to ensure safety and efficacy. For those looking for convenient options, Heally offers mobile IV therapy in select cities, bringing the treatment directly to your doorstep. 

If you prefer a more accessible approach, Heally also offers access to a NAD+ nasal spray or NAD+ injections you can administer at home. Register today to get your NAD+ anti-aging prescription!




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