How to Choose a Medical Marijuana Provider Near You

Medical marijuana prescription with bottle and stethoscope.

Choosing the physician who will recommend a medical marijuana card to you, especially if you’re a first-time consumer, is not something to take lightly. Your physician is responsible for educating you about the potential risks and benefits of consuming medicinal cannabis. When you find yourself wondering how to find the right medical marijuana card providers near me, Heally can help! 

Familiar cannabis consumers may only have experience with illicit products, which can lead to inaccurate dosing. The right physician helps both new and experienced consumers find a dose that works for them. 

Quick Guide to Finding a Medical Cannabis Doctor

  1. Ensure you’re eligible for a medical cannabis card in your state 
  2. Choose if your visit will be in-person or online
  3. Narrow down your choices through a trusted network of physicians 

Check Your Eligibility for a Medical Marijuana Card


Make sure you’re eligible for a medical marijuana card before booking an appointment with a physician. Medical cannabis laws are different depending on where you live, so always refer back to your state’s official rules and regulations. 

In Missouri, for example, the list of qualifying conditions includes cancer, epilepsy, and glaucoma, but the law also gives physicians room to make a judgment call about any chronic medical condition that requires the use of prescription medications to manage. 

Your state’s laws might be more or less restrictive, so ensure your state’s medical cannabis program is active and you’re eligible before scheduling an appointment. 

Decide On An In-Person or Online Visit

A man waving at his laptop with a doctor on the screen waving back

After confirming your eligibility, decide whether you want to visit your doctor in person or online. Both options have pros and cons. 

Telehealth is a safe option for vulnerable populations at risk of contracting COVID-19. Other benefits of telehealth include: 

  • Saves time and money
  • Makes great healthcare accessible to rural patients
  • Reduces stress and germs associated with traveling to the doctor and sitting in a waiting room
  • Insurance companies and clinics often save money, too

The real search for your doctor begins after you decide how you want to conduct your visit. 

Prepare a List of Questions & Your Medical History

Your physician should be ready to answer any questions you have. It’s also important to share your complete medical history with the physician, including any medications you’re currently taking.

Here are a few to start with: 

  • What possible side effects should I be concerned about with medical cannabis?
  • Should I be concerned about any drug interactions?
  • How do I administer medical cannabis? 
  • Is there any product I should avoid when shopping for medical cannabis?  

If your doctor can’t answer these questions or point you in the right direction of a reputable resource, you might consider finding a different physician to recommend you a medical cannabis card. 

Use a Trusted Network of Physicians to Narrow Down Your Choices 

Heally connects patients with licensed physicians who specialize in integrative treatments. Integrative medicine considers the whole body, combining conventional and complementary therapies to create the most well-rounded end result. 

This might include nutrition, breathwork, homeopathy, or medical cannabis. Working with a physician who focuses on integrative medicine will guarantee an open mind and healthy approach towards medical cannabis consumption. 

A five-study review found the doctor-patient relationship is strained when it comes to medical cannabis. Patients are afraid to be open with their primary care physician (PCP) out of fear they will be judged. The study found:

  • Some patients would rather suffer unnecessary pain than talk to their PCP about medical cannabis.
  • Many patients remain fearful of being labeled a “pothead” or “stoner”.
  • Patients will often conceal their patient status, risking drug interactions or incorrect diagnoses.
  • Some patients forego visits altogether to avoid revealing their medical cannabis consumption.

Book an Appointment With a Medical Cannabis Doctor 


Heally aims to rebuild the trust between patient/physician by educating both parties about the benefits and risks of medical cannabis use. All of our doctors are not only educated about medical cannabis, but support the responsible use of it for chronic health conditions. 

To book an appointment with one of our physicians, fill out our patient contact form and we will contact you soon. 


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Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get
your cannabis card with a licensed physician.