How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska

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You’re not alone if you’re seeking medical cannabis in Nebraska. Medical cannabis consumption is on the rise nationwide. Unfortunately, Nebraska doesn’t have a medical cannabis program, so there is not yet a way to obtain a medical card in the state.

There have been many initiatives to create a program, but no laws have been passed yet. However, that may change in 2022. A well-known cannabis activist group, Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, has two bills in circulation: the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection Act and the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation Act. Once Nebraska legalizes cannabis, here’s a quick guide on how to get a medical marijuana card in Nebraska. 

Your eligibility for a medical cannabis card depends on the law’s final text. Every state’s program operates differently, but most general processes are the same when it comes to eligibility and submitting an application. 

The information you receive from Heally about Nebraska’s future medical cannabis program is based on our knowledge about other states. The two bills do not have many detailed facts about what this program might look like, just that a regulated program would exist and those who are part of this program will be protected from prosecution.                          

Quick Guide to Getting Your Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska

Getting your medical cannabis card in Nebraska will likely be similar to this 3-step process: 

  • See If You’re Eligible

We will share a sample list of qualifying conditions down below from another state. 

  • Get A Doctor’s Recommendation

Nebraskans will need to get a doctor’s recommendation before getting a medical cannabis card. 

  • Apply For Your Medical Cannabis Card

The Department overseeing Nebraska’s medical cannabis program will likely have an application process for you to complete before you receive your medical card. 

Am I Eligible For a Medical Cannabis Card in Nebraska?

Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska

Your eligibility in Nebraska depends on the state’s list of qualifying conditions, which haven’t been finalized; nor has a law been passed. Here is the list of qualifying conditions in Missouri, as an example: 

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Intractable migraines unresponsive to other treatment
  • A chronic medical condition that causes severe, persistent pain or persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures, Parkinson’s disease, and Tourette’s syndrome
  • Debilitating psychiatric disorders, including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress order if diagnosed by a state-licensed psychiatrist
  • Human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  • A chronic medical condition that is normally treated with prescription medications could lead to physical or psychological dependence when a physician determines that medical use of marijuana could be effective in treating that condition and would serve as a safer alternative to the prescription medication
  • A terminal illness
  • In the professional judgment of a physician, any other chronic, debilitating, or other medical condition, including, but not limited to, hepatitis C,
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, Huntington’s disease, autism, neuropathies, sickle cell anemia, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, cachexia, and wasting syndrome

Keep an eye on the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection Act. If it gets on the ballot, Nebraskans will vote on this measure in the 2022 election and you will see a list of qualifying conditions. 

Getting a Doctor’s Recommendation for a Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska 

Nebraska Medical Marijuana card

All states with a medical marijuana program require you to see a licensed healthcare professional before you can get a patient card. Each state defines qualified healthcare professionals differently, but they all allow board-certified physicians to recommend medical cannabis. Nebraska will most likely follow the same trend if the law passes.

The Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection Act says eligible patients must be at least 18 years old to apply for a medical cannabis card. Those who are under 18 and would benefit from medical cannabis can work with their parent or guardian, who is at least 21, to get a patient card. 

You will pay a fee to see a doctor about medical cannabis. Cannabis is federally illegal, which means insurance companies typically don’t cover costs associated with medical cannabis. This fee will vary depending on who you see. Heally offers remote options to connect patients with a medical cannabis doctor in their state. 

Applying for Your Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska

Nebraskas medical cannabis program

Once you have a doctor’s recommendation, you will probably apply with the Department overseeing Nebraska’s medical cannabis program. There is usually a fee associated with applying for your card. Most states have low-income programs available for people who can’t afford to pay the fee. The application is typically submitted online and most doctor’s recommendations expire after 30 days. 

Your medical cannabis card will likely need to be renewed every year. Some states offer two-year medical marijuana cards. 

Talk to a Doctor About How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Nebraska 

Heally’s online network of doctors can prepare you for a medical cannabis card in Nebraska if and when it is eventually legalized. For now, stay ahead of the curve and learn the most common mistakes to avoid when applying for a medical card. You can also bookmark this article and fill out this form to be ready for when medical cannabis is legalized in Nebraska.


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Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get your cannabis card from a licensed physician.