How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in New Hampshire

new Hampshire medical marijuana

How to Get an NH Medical Marijuana Card

While New Hampshire has had its Therapeutic Cannabis Program (TCP) on the books since July 2013, it was considered one of the country’s strictest medical cannabis laws, making it difficult for patients to qualify and receive treatment with NH medical marijuana.

That changed in September 2017, when recreational cannabis was decriminalized, and the Medical Marijuana Program of New Hampshire was expanded to include more qualifying conditions. As of March 31, 2020, there were 9,800 patients enrolled in the program

If you’re looking to apply for a medical marijuana card in New Hampshire, read this guide to discover which steps you need to take.


COVID-19 Update

Medical cannabis laws across the country have been temporarily adjusted amid the COVID-19 pandemic. New Hampshire is no exception. NH medical marijuana dispensaries are still open for business, but operations have changed to protect customers and employees. The state is encouraging telemedicine consultations for new patients and renewals during this time. A telemedicine appointment enables a doctor to evaluate you virtually via a phone, tablet, or computer. Sign up at Heally to book a consultation with a registered physician in NH.

The deadline to renew medical marijuana cards expiring between April and June is now July 31, 2020.

Patients are also encouraged to designate caregivers to pick up their medical marijuana. So the caregiver application fee has been waived, and the caregiver background check process has been streamlined to speed up approvals.

Patients must pre-order their medical cannabis products online or by phone, and they can pick up their supplies either via drive-through or curbside collection, depending on the alternative treatment center in question.


Quick Guide

There are three steps to getting a Registry ID Card to obtain medical marijuana in New Hampshire:

  • Determine If You Qualify: You will need to meet several requirements to get an NH medical marijuana card.
  • Get a Written Certification: You’ll need a licensed medical provider to give you a Written Certification for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis. You can do so by signing up at Heally. We’ll connect you with a licensed physician.
  • Submit Your Application: Complete an Application for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis, gather all necessary documentation, and submit the package to the NH Department of Health and Human Services.


How to Get a Medical ID Card in New Hampshire

1. Determine If You Qualify

To qualify for registration in the NH Therapeutic Cannabis Program (TCP) for medical marijuana, you need to be at least 18 years of age and be a New Hampshire resident with proof of residency. Patients under 18 years of age will need a legal guardian to complete the application and receive approval as designated caregivers.

You are also required to be diagnosed by a medical practitioner with a qualifying condition established in law.
According to the Application for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis, qualifying conditions to obtain  medical marijuana in New Hampshire include:

  • Moderate to severe chronic pain; OR
  • Severe pain that has not responded to previously prescribed medication or surgical measures or for which other treatment options produced serious side effects; OR
  • Moderate or severe post-traumatic stress disorder; OR
  • Any combination of a qualifying diagnosis from (1) AND a qualifying symptom or side effect from (2) as listed below: 
  1. Cancer; glaucoma; positive status for human immunodeficiency virus; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; hepatitis C; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; muscular dystrophy; Crohn’s disease; multiple sclerosis; chronic pancreatitis; spinal cord disease or injury; traumatic brain injury; epilepsy; lupus; Parkinson’s disease; Alzheimer’s disease; ulcerative colitis; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; or one or more injuries or conditions that have resulted in one or more qualifying symptoms under (2); AND\
  2. Elevated intraocular pressure; cachexia; chemotherapy-induced anorexia; wasting syndrome; agitation of Alzheimer’s disease; severe pain that has not responded to previously prescribed medication or surgical measures or for which other treatment options produced serious side effects; constant or severe nausea; moderate to severe vomiting; seizures; or extreme, persistent muscle spasms.
    You may also require proof that you’ve tried multiple other treatment options to qualify for medical marijuana in NH.

2. Get a Written Certification for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis from a Medical Provider.
You will need to undergo a medical evaluation by a certified medical practitioner to receive a medical ID card for marijuana in New Hampshire. Any physician, advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), or physician assistant licensed to practice medicine in the state can certify you for the TCP. Physicians and APRNs licensed in Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts can also provide you with a written certification if they are primarily responsible for the medical care related to your qualifying condition.

There is no list of medical providers who can and will provide written certifications, nor can the TCP recommend a provider. No doctor is legally required to provide you with certification for medical marijuana in NH. It is up to you to find a medical provider who meets these criteria. Fortunately, you can take the hassle out of this process by using Heally to connect with a licensed medical provider in New Hampshire.

Along with providing you with a written certification, the medical practitioner will also register you with the TCP as an MMJ patient and send instructions to your alternative treatment center (ATC) of choice to detail the type of cannabis and administration method required for your medical care.

3. Submit Your Application

After receiving a physician’s approval and written certification, the last step to obtaining an NH medical marijuana ID card is to fill out and submit an Application for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis and submit it to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. This process must be done within 60 days of receiving your written certification.

Along with this application, you will need to provide proof of residency. This proof could be a copy of your driver’s license (front only), or a state or federal government-issued ID showing your name and address. You could also provide any other document with your name or address on it, such as a copy of your lease agreement, a utility bill, or previous tax documents.

Note: There is no online application for New Hampshire medical marijuana. You will need to print off the application and send it in either via mail or in person. The application fee is $50, which is only payable via money order or check and must be sent in with your application. Processing times take up to three weeks. Once the application is approved and you receive your card in the mail (within five days of approval), it will be valid for 12 months. It will include your name, address, birth date, photo, and 10-digit registration number.

Alternatively, suppose your application is not approved because it is deemed incomplete. In that case, you will be notified in writing within ten business days, and you will have 30 days to submit the missing information.



Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get your cannabis card with a licensed physician.

Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get
your cannabis card with a licensed physician.