How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card Card in Oklahoma

How to Get A Medical Cannabis Card in Oklahoma

Getting a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma has been a years-long challenge. Finally, in June 2018, a referendum legalized medical cannabis for anyone who wants to know how to get a medical card in Oklahoma.

In 2018, the road to legalization was bumpy. The state tried to impose restrictions, such as having licensed pharmacists on-site at dispensaries, but these requirements were dropped after lawsuits were filed; some rules have been rolled back, as the state’s Attorney General ruled that they overreached.

The current result is that Oklahomans now have a straightforward medical cannabis program. Of course, patients must still apply for and receive an OMMA card before using cannabis. This step-by-step guide will help patients learn how to get a medical card in Oklahoma.

Determining if a Patient Is Qualified For Oklahoma Medical Cannabis

In many states, medical cannabis is only approved for patients who meet “qualifying conditions.” For example, in Florida, people may not use cannabis to manage autism, but in other states, using cannabis is legal for this purpose.

Oklahoma has a list of conditions that medical cannabis is often recommended for but doesn’t have restrictions on. If a doctor believes cannabis may help the patient, they can recommend it, but patients must have a doctor’s recommendation to access medical cannabis products.

Patients must also be of age 18 or over or have a parent or guardian act as their caregiver. Minors must receive two physician recommendations to get an OMMA card.

3 Steps – How to Get A Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

1. Finding a Doctor

Just like how almost any patient can get a medical cannabis recommendation, any doctor can make the recommendation.

The more significant challenge for patients is finding a doctor who will recommend it. You can connect with registered Oklahoma Doctors at Heally. Although the referendum had a nearly 60 percent rate of approval, many Oklahomans oppose cannabis, including some doctors as well.

One way to find a state-licensed physician open to medical cannabis is to check with the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority. OMMA maintains a list of physicians who will consider making cannabis recommendations. However, doctors don’t have to register with OMMA. Some physicians might still consider cannabis even if they’re not listed.

Consulting with physicians on the OMMA list can make the process of getting an OMMA card smoother. It’s important to note the recommendation is at the doctor’s discretion. Even doctors who are open to discussing medical cannabis may not recommend it in every case.

2. The Consultation

How to Get A Medical Cannabis Card in Oklahoma

The next step how to get an Oklahoma medical card is consulting with the doctor. Patients should bring a copy of OMMA’s Physician Recommendation form for the doctor. In the case of minors, who need two recommendations, the documents must be signed within 30 days of each other. Both must also be submitted within 30 days of submitting the online application (which we cover in step 3).

At the consultation, the doctor will evaluate the patient as a candidate for medical cannabis. They’ll consider the patient’s medical history more generally. Some doctors may feel evidence doesn’t support the use of cannabis in the management of some conditions, and others will be more open to trying it.

3. Registering Online with OMMA

Once the patient has a recommendation from their physician, it’s time to register with OMMA. This procedure is the third and final step of how to getting a medical card in Oklahoma. It must be done within 30 days of receiving the signed physician’s recommendation.

This online application registers the patient with OMMA. The form will ask for necessary information, such as the patient’s full name, date of birth, and address.

Patients must also provide contact information, proof of identity, and proof of residency in Oklahoma. To prove residency, patients can include a digital, color copy of a(n):

  • Oklahoma driver’s license
  • OK state identification card
  • Oklahoma voter ID card
  • Utility bill for the month preceding the date of application, such as electricity
  • Deed to a residential property in Oklahoma

A driver’s license, identification card, or passport can be used to prove identity. Patients will also need to provide a clear, color photo of their faces.

Getting Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

Once the forms have been signed and submitted, patients have to wait for OMMA to process them. If OMMA approves the application, they’ll mail the OMMA card within two weeks. It’s valid for two years from the date of issue unless OMMA revokes it.

OMMA approves applications as long as all the documentation has been provided and the rules followed. Keep in mind that there is a fee to apply ($100 without medicare). Getting it right the first time is essential, so be sure to pay attention to the details.

The medical cannabis card allows Oklahomans to buy medical cannabis from any of the state’s dispensaries. There are more than 1,100 dispensaries, and laws require dispensaries to buy their products from Oklahoman producers.

The process for how to get a medical card in Oklahoma is straightforward. It’s easy to get started, especially when medical cannabis doctors are available right now. Talk to a medical cannabis expert now and find effective relief of symptoms sooner, not later.


Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get your cannabis card with a licensed physician.


Interested in getting your Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma?