How much does Rapamycin cost and where to find coupons and discounts?

finding out the cost of rapamycin from doctor

The world’s population is aging rapidly. By 2030, one out of every five people in the US will be 65 or older. While we all aspire to age gracefully, the reality is that aging often brings with it some less desirable outcomes.

Unfortunately, aging isn’t a preventable disease and age-related illnesses can wreak havoc on the body and mind. Thankfully, scientists have found that many existing drugs can help us stay healthier for longer or live longer.

Rapamycin was originally developed as an immunosuppressant for transplant patients. But studies have shown it also has anticancer and anti-cardiovascular disease benefits and can enhance cognitive function and reduce the incidence of age-related diseases

This little anti-aging gem could do a lot of good. But, how much does it cost?

Rapamycin price: how much does anti-aging longevity cost per month?

The cost for rapamycin will vary greatly depending on the dosage, pharmacy, and purchase location. Rapamycin is not currently FDA-approved for anti-aging—despite its promise—so the cost will likely be out-of-pocket. 

When it is sold under the brand name Rapamune, rapamycin costs upwards of $1000 for a 1-month supply of 1 mg tablets. 

Thankfully, it is also sold as the generic rapamycin (or sirolimus). The generic rapamycin price without insurance is still dependent on the dosage: 

  • 0.5 mg: $585 for a 3-month supply
  • 1 mg: $780 for a 3-month supply; $240 for a 1-month supply
  • 2 mg: $1700 for a 3-month supply

Discounts are often applied at the individual pharmacy locations, and you can typically get a 3-month supply of 1 mg rapamycin for $150-300 or a 1-month supply for $60-100

Where to find coupons and discounts for Rapamycin?

There are discounts and coupons available to offset the cost of many medications, rapamycin included. To lower you out-of-pocket rapamycin cost, you can:

  • Explore financial or patient assistance programs. Some organizations and foundations offer financial assistance programs to help individuals cover the cost of their medications. These programs may provide grants, subsidies, or other forms of support to those who qualify.
  • Check local pharmacies. Different pharmacies may offer varying prices for the same medication—this may vary by both pharmacy and pharmacy location. By comparing prices, you can find the best deal available.
  • Use mail-order pharmacies. Some pharmacies offer mail-order services for prescriptions, allowing you to access more competitive pricing options. Heally isn’t a pharmacy, but we partner with pharmacies to help you get your rapamycin prescription delivered at a low cost. 

Exclusive discount for Rapamycin from Heally

Heally takes the guesswork out of your rapamycin prescription. With our telehealth services, you can get your rapamycin prescription online and save money with a monthly subscription. 

Heally offers a monthly subscription that allows you to get a rapamycin prescription for $149 per month. 

You can also access discount offers through Heally when they’re available. Like right now—you can get $20 off your first month’s rapamycin cost

Does Rapamycin cost more than Metformin for anti-aging

Though rapamycin and metformin have very different mechanisms of action, both have potential anti-aging properties. 

When it comes to cost, they are also very different. Metformin is generally more affordable and inexpensive. Prescriptions are typically sold in 90-day supplies and don’t usually cost more than $20 out-of-pocket

Metformin’s low cost is likely due to its widespread availability. It was originally designed as a diabetes management drug—a prevalent issue—where rapamycin is an immunosuppressant for transplants. 

Get Rapamycin for anti-aging and longevity with Heally

Heally makes it easy to get your rapamycin prescription online. Register with Heally today and start aging in reverse—or at least feel like you are. 




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