Rapamycin vs. Metformin: Comparing Popular Anti-Aging Medications

woman using rapamycin and metformin

By 2030, the US Census Bureau predicts that one out of every five people in the US will be 65 or older. Although people are living longer, their period of good health, often referred to as healthspan, hasn’t kept pace.

As we get older, we’re more prone to conditions and this age group is at higher risk for common and serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and Type II diabetes.

Aging itself isn’t a preventable disease—at least not according to the FDA—but, it is very closely tied to how long we live and leads to age-related illnesses that can shorten our life spans even further. 

So, it should come as no surprise that anti-aging is a topic that has intrigued humanity for centuries. 

In the hunt for a new anti aging drug, scientists have found that many existing drugs can help us stay healthier for longer or live longer.

At anti-aging doses, rapamycin and metformin both show promise as rejuvenation medication

Cost Analysis of Rapamycin and Metformin

Rapamycin Cost

Rapamycin, a macrolide compound originally discovered in the soil of Easter Island, has garnered attention for its anti-aging properties. It is generally available, but it’s often too expensive for most people.

The price of rapamycin varies considerably based on dosage and brand.  Generic versions may be more affordable, but still present a significant expense with costs typically upwards of $150 per month. 

Metformin Cost

Metformin is generally more affordable, particularly considering its widespread availability and generic options. It is very inexpensive, especially  compared to rapamycin. Prescriptions of metformin are generally sold in three month supplies and typically cost no more than $20 out of pocket. 

Overall Affordability

When considering the overall affordability for long-term use, Metformin emerges as the more cost-effective option compared to rapamycin. Its lower cost, coupled with similar anti-aging potential, makes it a favorable choice for those mindful of budget constraints.

But, don’t count rapamycin out. With Heally, you can get up to a 6-month supply of rapamycin for just $145 per month

Safety Profile and Side Effects of Rapamycin and Metformin

Rapamycin Side Effects

While Rapamycin holds promise as an anti-aging medication, its use is associated with certain side effects. Rapamycin is first and foremost an immunosuppressant. Rapamycin anti-aging requires high doses which can lower blood cell counts, leading to conditions like thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), anemia, and leukopenia. 

Even at normal dose levels, rapamycin side effects can occur. So rapamycin dosage for anti-aging may cause higher occurrences of side effects such as anxiousness, blurred vision, chest pain, confusion, dizziness, and drowsiness. Some more serious side effects have also been reported.

Healthy individuals typically see no serious adverse effects from this potential rejuvenation drug. However, in those with age-related diseases, an increase in infections, total cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and triglycerides can occur. 

Metformin Side Effects

Metformin, on the other hand, is generally well-tolerated, with mild gastrointestinal side effects being the most commonly reported. B12 deficiencies have also been reported. Rare but serious side effects include lactic acidosis, particularly in individuals with underlying kidney or liver impairment. 

Comparative Safety Profiles

When comparing the safety profiles of rapamycin and metformin, metformin appears to have an advantage in terms of tolerability and lower incidence of severe adverse reactions. But, both potential rejuvenation medication options appear to come with minimal risk of complications.

Mechanism of Action of Rapamycin and Metformin

Rapamycin Anti Aging

Rapamycin inhibits the activity of mTORC1, a complex protein that regulates cell growth and metabolism. By doing so, it slows down cellular processes associated with aging and age-related diseases. It has also been known to show anticancer and anti-cardiovascular disease benefits

Rapamycin is also considered an anti-inflammatory, which may contribute to the connection between rapamycin and anti-aging properties. 

Metformin Anti Aging

Metformin is also an mTORC inhibitor, so it has the same mechanism of action for anti-aging as rapamycin. Metformin can also improve lipid metabolism, improve mitochondrial function, and reduce insulin resistance, which may promote longevity. 

Clinical Evidence and Efficacy

Both rapamycin and metformin have demonstrated potential in preclinical and clinical studies, showing improvements in aging-related biomarkers and health outcomes. This is particularly true in studies completed on mice and other non-human test subjects. 

Results and Longevity of Rapamycin and Metformin

Both rapamycin and metformin have shown promising results in preclinical studies regarding their anti-aging effects. However, direct comparisons in human trials are limited.

Rapamycin and metformin have also been implicated in enhancing cognitive function and reducing the incidence of age-related diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

The choice between rapamycin anti-aging and metformin anti-aging may depend on individual preferences, risk factors, and the desired outcomes of anti-aging interventions.

Comparative Analysis of Results

Here’s a simplified comparison chart for Rapamycin and Metformin:

Aspect Rapamycin Metformin
Cost Expensive, typically over $200 per month Inexpensive, typically under $20 for a 3-month supply
Safety Profile Associated with side effects like blood cell count decrease, infections, and lipid level increases Generally well-tolerated, with mild gastrointestinal side effects and rare but serious risks like lactic acidosis
Mechanism of Action Inhibits mTORC1, slows down aging processes, and has anti-inflammatory properties Inhibits mTORC1, improves lipid metabolism, enhances mitochondrial function, and reduces insulin resistance
Clinical Evidence Demonstrated potential in preclinical and clinical studies, particularly in animals Shown efficacy in improving aging-related biomarkers and health outcomes in preclinical and clinical studies, particularly in animals
Longevity of Effects Promising results in enhancing cognitive function and reducing age-related diseases Promising results in enhancing cognitive function and reducing age-related diseases


Is Rapamycin Longevity Too Good To Be True?

In the quest for anti-aging interventions, rapamycin and metformin have both emerged as promising contenders. But the truth is, it is still too early to tell. 

While they both show promise in preclinical studies and animal models, its efficacy and safety in humans are still being evaluated. Is rapamycin’s promise of longevity too good to be true? Only time and further research will tell.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue rapamycin or metformin for anti-aging purposes depends on individual preferences, risk factors, and the desired outcomes of such interventions—as well as input from a knowledgeable expert. 

Schedule a consultation with a doctor near you to get a rapamycin or metformin prescription!


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