NAD+ IV Therapy: Does It Work?

nad+ therapy vile

NAD+ IV therapy has been gaining attention as a potential solution for everything from boosting energy and improving mental clarity to slowing down the aging process. 

But with so many wellness trends out there, it’s natural to wonder: does NAD+ IV therapy actually work

Introduction to NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NAD+ is the active form of NAD and is considered a bioactive form of vitamin B3. NAD+ accepts electrons during biochemical reactions, making it essential for energy production, DNA repair, and regulating cellular functions.

As with most things, NAD+ levels decline with age. This decline is linked to many age-related diseases, including cognitive decline, cancer, metabolic disease, sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), and more. 

Studies have shown that many of these age-related diseases can be slowed down or revered when NAD+ levels are restored. 

This is where NAD+ IV therapy comes in. This therapy is administered intravenously to increase the levels of NAD+ in the body. 

Does NAD+ IV Therapy Work?

Studies researching the efficacy of NAD+ IV therapy are still underway. While there is a lack of conclusive clinical proof, numerous preclinical studies offer promising insights into the potential benefits of NAD+.

NAD+ is a crucial component in many important functions in the body. It helps produce energy, repair DNA, regulate gene expression, and support immune functions.

Given its fundamental role in these processes, NAD+ IV therapy has the potential to help boost energy, improve mental clarity, and support anti-aging, including skin health.

It has been used to aid in the treatment of many chronic and age-related conditions such as:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Addiction and withdrawal

Public Perception vs. Scientific Reality

NAD+ therapy has generated significant buzz in the wellness community, being touted as a miracle cure for a range of issues from chronic fatigue to anti-aging. It often paints NAD+ therapy as a groundbreaking solution for energy enhancement and longevity. 

The scientific reality of NAD+ IV therapy is more cautious. While there is plenty of evidence to show that NAD+ plays a vital role in key cellular processes—such as energy production, DNA repair, and immune function—research on this therapy in humans is still underway.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting the claims of NAD+ IV therapy. While many individuals are seeing excellent results, it’s important to remember this is not a cure-all or a magical fountain of youth. 

As with any emerging treatment, relying on well-conducted scientific research and expert guidance is crucial to making informed decisions.

How does NAD+ IV therapy work?

We already know that NAD+ plays a role in many important functions in the body. Essentially, it helps cells produce energy and stay healthy by supporting the creation of ATP, which is the main “fuel” for our cells.  

As we age, our NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can lead to less energy and potential cell damage. 

NAD+ IV therapy is designed to restore and boost levels of NAD+ in the body. 

By increasing NAD+ directly, it helps counteract the issues caused by its decline—giving our systems a natural boost. Increased NAD+ helps to  support the production of ATP, restore energy levels, and support overall cell health. It’s like giving your cells a boost to help them work better and stay healthy—even as we age.


Benefits of NAD+ IV therapy

By restoring NAD+ levels in the body, this therapy has the potential to:

  • Improve cognitive function. Studies in animal models have shown that restoring “youthful NAD+ levels” can help to improve cognitive function. It has also been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce neuroinflammation
  • Reduce inflammation. Some studies have found that increased NAD+ levels may help to reduce inflammation in the body, including neuroinflammation, intestinal inflammation, and more. 
  • Boost energy levels. ATP’s job is to store and distribute energy. By increasing the ATP production, NAD+ IV therapy can help to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. 
  • Promote anti-aging. NAD+ decline is directly linked to many age-related conditions. By restoring NAD+ to more “youthful levels,” it can help to slow and reverse some of the effects of aging. 

Potential risks and side effects of NAD+ IV therapy

When administered by a licensed medical professional and under appropriate medical supervision, NAD+ IV therapy is considered safe. As with any medical treatment, there are potential risks that need to be considered. 

No studies have reported any severe side effects in animal models. There have also been no major side effects reported in the limited human studies. Generally, reported side effects include:

  • Flushing
  • Itching 
  • Elevated liver enzymes

Despite the lack of reported risks, there are not enough studies conducted on humans to give definitive safety information. So, this therapy is not recommended for:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Women who are breastfeeding
  • Children


Getting started with NAD+ IV therapy

If you’re considering NAD+ IV therapy and want to experience its potential benefits firsthand, getting started is easier than ever. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home. 

Heally offers a NAD+ injections or nasal spray delivered right to your home. 

Explore your options and get started with NAD+ IV therapy today!



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