Get Started with Testosterone Replacement Therapy in 4 Steps

Man getting started with TRT

As we’re sure you’re aware, testosterone plays a pivotal role in men’s bodies. This essential hormone influences everything from muscle mass and bone density to mood and energy levels.

So, when testosterone levels dip below the optimal range, whether from age-related decline or other medical reasons, it can lead to a whole host of problems. Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, is more than a mere inconvenience; it’s a condition that can impact one’s quality of life.

Fortunately, for those dealing with low testosterone, there’s a viable solution: testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This medical intervention aims to restore testosterone levels to a healthier range, offering a chance to regain vitality and well-being.

If you’re dealing with low testosterone, you might be wondering how to get on TRT. Unfortunately, there’s a little more to it than simply searching “TRT doctors near me.” Luckily, we’ve laid out the steps for getting started with TRT for men

Step 1: Consult Your Doctor

As with any medical journey, there is one crucial first step to getting started with TRT treatment: consulting your doctor. While online information can provide a starting point, a healthcare professional serves as your trusted guide through this nuanced terrain.

During your initial consultation, your doctor will inquire about your medical history. They’ll want to explore existing medical conditions, current medications, lifestyle factors, and more. There may also be a physical examination. 

To paint a clearer picture, blood will also be drawn to determine your current hormone levels. Measuring testosterone levels is an important part of this diagnostic process — though this should come as no surprise. Low testosterone levels are typically confirmed with repeat early morning samples. 

Mid-normal range of serum testosterone levels is generally between 400 and 700 ng/dL for men aged 40-69.  But, normal range for serum testosterone is anywhere from 300 to 1,000 ng/dl.

Why do you need anything more than the blood tests? It’s not just about detecting low testosterone; it’s about understanding the context, ruling out other potential causes, and determining if your symptoms align with the criteria for hypogonadism.

A precise diagnosis ensures that your treatment plan includes the most suitable course of action for your specific situation. 

Choosing a Doctor for Your Testosterone Replacement Therapy Prescription

Choosing the right testosterone replacement therapy doctor depends on your needs and preferences. You can begin by seeing your regular primary care doctor. You also have the option of speaking with an endocrinologist or male hormone specialist. 

You can see your doctor in person or through a TRT online clinic. Heally makes it easy to find a TRT specialist near you. Don’t waste your time searching for “TRT doctors near me.” Get started with TRT online

Step 2: Explore Treatment Options

Once your doctor has determined you have low testosterone levels and the potential underlying causes, it’s time to start exploring your treatment options. 

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the most common treatment for low testosterone in men. This is a prescription testosterone replacement that uses exogenous testosterone to supplement your natural hormone levels. 

There are different types of TRT, so you will need to discuss personal preference, lifestyle, and individual health considerations with your healthcare professional. TRT administrations include:

  • Intramuscular injections: Testosterone therapy injections are the most common form of TRT; it involves administering testosterone shots, usually weekly. This method is considered to have higher efficacy thanks to its controlled and sustained release of the hormone. 
  • Topical Gels and Patches: Transdermal options are also available for those who prefer more noninvasive options. This method delivers testosterone through the skin via gels or patches. These require more frequent administration, with the patch or gel being applied daily. 
  • Implantable pellets: This is a more invasive option that provides a longer-lasting effect. Your doctor would subcutaneously implant small pellets that slowly release testosterone over time. The pellets would need to be replaced every 3 to 6 months. 
  • Oral administration: Though a less common option, oral forms of TRT are available and growing in popularity. These require the most frequent administration at two times daily. Oral options are less common as androgens, like testosterone, have poor bioavailability. This is only available as testosterone undecanoate. 

While testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the more common option, there are TRT alternatives to consider. TRT is not the right choice for everyone, especially if fertility preservation is a concern. Alternative options include: 

  • Clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
  • Aromatase Inhibitors
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 

Choosing the right TRT treatment is important and requires a decision made by both you and your healthcare professional. 

Step 3: Get Started with Your Chosen TRT Treatment

Now that you’ve chosen the right treatment option for you, you can fill your testosterone replacement therapy prescription and get started. It is important that you follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider and pharmacist when administering your TRT treatment

Testosterone therapy injections won’t have the same instructions as a patch. So, it is very important that you understand how to properly administer the treatment as well as how much and how often you need to administer. 

Remember, the goal here is to bring your testosterone levels back to a normal range. By administering too much or too often, you could be causing additional problems instead of solving one. Administering your TRT treatment incorrectly could also have unintended consequences. 

This is part of why it is so important to consistently follow up with your chosen healthcare provider while you are undergoing TRT treatment. 

Step 4: Track Your Progress

TRT can yield very positive results. But, it is important to track your individual progress. Your TRT treatment should start to alleviate many of the symptoms of low testosterone as your levels return to normal. 

Some symptoms you can track on your own like energy levels, mood, libido, sexual function, and other symptoms. You may want to consider starting a log or journal to get a clearer view of how the treatment is helping to lessen your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. This can also make it easier to show your healthcare provider how your TRT treatment is affecting you. 

While TRT can be extremely effective, it is important to remember that this will not be an instantaneous solution to all your problems. Like with any medical treatment, results will take time. Patience is key. Don’t let yourself get discouraged or frustrated if you don’t see immediate results. 

This is another way keeping a log or journal can help you as you’ll be able to get a bigger picture view when you can clearly see the results over time. 

Get Started With Your Testosterone Replacement Therapy Prescription

Don’t let low testosterone steal your vitality. If you’re suffering from low T, TRT can help alleviate the symptoms and give you a better quality of life. 

Let Heally help you make the first step toward TRT treatment. We can connect you with a qualified testosterone replacement therapy doctor near you. Get started today!


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