Emergency Medical Cannabis Law Update: Ohio and Florida

cooronavirus medical marijuana update

With the COVID-19 epidemic growing, regulators across the country have created emergency rules to slow the spread of Coronavirus and minimize exposure. As part of this effort, states across the country have passed emergency measures that temporarily changed their cannabis law to reduce the risk for patients and recreational users. 

Several states, including Oregon, Washington, and Iowa, are temporarily allowing curbside pickup from dispensaries. Michigan has gone a step further, allowing medical and recreational dispensaries to provide home delivery, as well as curbside pickup. For medical cannabis patients, however, the most significant updates so far to medical cannabis laws are in Ohio and Florida. Here’s how the rule changes will affect you.

Ohio: Online Cannabis Registration and Renewal Update

Online Cannabis Registration and Consultation

There have been several changes in Ohio’s medical marijuana program to limit patient exposure. Historically, the law required registering or renewing an Ohio medical card with an in-person doctor’s visit. However, on March 18th, the State Medical Board of Ohio voted to allow doctors to use telemedicine for cannabis patients during the outbreak. Until further notice, Ohioans can register or renew their MMJ certification without visiting a doctor’s office. 

If you don’t currently have a physician to prescribe cannabis, we can connect you to an Ohio MMJ doctor for a quick and safe evaluation from your own home.

Ohio is also encouraging patients to add medical caregivers to obtain cannabis for them during the pandemic. To facilitate this, Ohio now allows caregivers to register without an in-person doctor’s visit. Caregivers have the option of registering through your cannabis doctor remotely, or registering directly with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy here

Once registered, caregivers can visit a dispensary on your behalf, and even call in orders ahead of time to minimize their potential exposure to the coronavirus while picking up medication.

Florida Medical Cannabis Law Registration Updateflorida cannabis update

Florida’s emergency MMJ updates are less extensive than Ohio’s but they may still affect you if your registration is expiring soon. On March 16th, Florida issued an executive order, temporarily allowing patients to renew their medical cannabis card remotely, without visiting their doctor’s office.

 The emergency rule only affects currently registered medical cannabis patients — new patients will still need an in-person visit to register for a Florida medical card. The rule is set to expire on April 15th, unless the state decides to renew it, 

Florida cannabis patients are allowed to renew their card up to 45 days before expiration. If your medical marijuana registration is set to expire on or before May 30th, it’s a good idea to set up a remote visit with your doctor while the law is in effect. That way, you’ll be able to avoid a potentially risky doctor’s visit to renew your cannabis card.

Staying Safe by Staying Informedstay safe by staying informed

As the situation develops, there will most likely be more emergency rule changes affecting cannabis users across the country. To help keep you safe and informed, Heally will share the most important changes in the coming weeks and months. 

If you think you may have been exposed to coronavirus, or just need someone to talk to about staying healthy during this epidemic, we can connect you with a doctor for an inexpensive remote consultation. They’ll help you evaluate your risks and plan your next steps from the comfort and safety of your own home. 


Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get your cannabis card with a licensed physician.

Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get
your cannabis card with a licensed physician.