Virginia is in the process of complete legalization of marijuana but for now, Virginia citizens may apply for a medical marijuana card. If all goes well, Virginia should have completely legalized cannabis by July 2022. Medical marijuana stores opened in Virginia in 2020, with a wide selection of vapes, oils, flower, and gummies to fit your needs of consumption. In Virginia, it is easy to apply for and access a medical marijuana card within a minimal time frame.
Some qualifying medical marijuana card conditions:
Tourette’s Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
- Chronic Pain
- Anxiety
Epilepsy and other seizure disorders
Hepatitis C
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Here is what you need to know about the medical marijuana Virginia conditions.
FAQ about medical marijuana Virginia conditions:
How do I know if I qualify for a medical marijuana card in Virginia?
-In Virginia, you need to be qualified for a medical marijuana card you need to have a medical issue that disrupts your daily life as well as be over 18 years of age.
How much does a medical marijuana card cost in Virginia?
– In Virginia, a medical marijuana card costs patients $50, due to the mandatory Virginia Board of Pharmacy registration fee, as well as the price your medical marijuana doctor charges for examining you.
Where can I purchase medical marijuana in Virginia?
-Once you receive your med card, you can look at licensed cannabis dispensaries located in Virginia, to see which one is closest to you.
If I am prescribed medical marijuana in Virginia, can my boss still drug test me?
-By state law, an employer may drug test you for marijuana, but if you have a medical marijuana card they cannot penalize you in any way. However, some government and transportation careers are exceptions to the law. Though remember, you may still get penalized if you use medical marijuana products in the workplace.
Can I grow my own medical marijuana?
-Yes, one may grow up to four marijuana plants.
Does insurance cover the cost of my medical marijuana prescription?
-No, this is because marijuana is not currently federally legal.
How much marijuana can I purchase from the dispensary at one time?
-One may buy a maximum 90-day supply of marijuana at one time.
If I am unable to get my medical marijuana from the dispensary, can someone else do it for me?
-Yes, one may have a Registered Agent/Caregiver go to the dispensary on their behalf. In order to officiate the Registered Agent, they must apply through the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.
To find more information on medical marijuana in Virginia, click here.