How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card In Wisconsin


Medical marijuana has been a longstanding issue in the state of Wisconsin. As it stands, there’s simply not enough support in the Badger State to garner a vote for medical cannabis. With that being said, legalization is sweeping the nation and grabbing more states with each passing election cycle, and there has been some progress on marijuana-related legislation within the state, with some cities and counties eliminating fines for possession.

The city of Madison even voted to permit marijuana consumption in both private and public places. Possession remains illegal at the state level, but in November 2021, bipartisan lawmakers unveiled a bill seeking to decriminalize medical marijuana.

With any luck, legislation for medical marijuana will follow in the coming years. But even if Wisconsin doesn’t legalize cannabis as a state, there’s hope that Congress will shift the tides towards federal legalization. 

Hemp-derived products must contain less than 0.3% THC in accordance with the federal government.

Quick Guide to Wisconsin MMJ

As mentioned, Wisconsin doesn’t have a medical cannabis registry at the moment. However, there’s hope on the horizon, so let’s look at what future steps you’ll likely need to take before becoming a medical marijuana patient in Wisconsin.

  • Check Your Eligibility: To get an MMJ card, Wisconsinites will need to meet certain qualifying criteria.
  • Contact a Physician: In order to obtain a medical marijuana card, a doctor must deem it necessary. As long as you have a qualifying condition and the documents to prove it, getting a doctor’s recommendation should be a simple process. Heally makes it easy to connect with a doctor in your state for a virtual consultation.
  • Complete Your Application and Get Your Card: Once you have a physician’s recommendation, you’ll likely need to submit an application to the government body overseeing the medical marijuana program. Once they approve your application, you’ll receive a card and be able to access medical marijuana.

 How to Get a Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Card in Three Steps

Check Your Eligibility

Parkinson's disease

There’s currently no circulating bill or pending legislation relating to a Wisconsin medical marijuana program, so at this point, there is no formalized list of qualifying conditions. However, there are some medical conditions that tend to be qualifying conditions across state lines, and Wisconsin will likely follow suit. Some of these conditions include:

Other states have fairly open medical marijuana programs and allow for their board-certified physicians to make their best judgment call and recommend medical cannabis if they deem it appropriate.

Get a Certification from a Physician

board certified physician

Future Wisconsin medical marijuana legislation will require a board-certified physician to provide a recommendation to move forward with your MMJ application. The physician will need to be licensed to practice in Wisconsin.

Once medical marijuana is legal in Wisconsin, you’ll be able to quickly and easily book a virtual appointment with a certified physician by signing up with Heally. We offer telehealth visits to patients for ease of access in the comfort of your home.

During your online appointment, the doctor will ask you a few questions about your medical history and determine whether cannabis would be the right solution for you. This is a great time to ask the physician any questions you may have about consuming cannabis.

Complete Your Application

After your appointment, the department overseeing Wisconsin’s medical marijuana program will approve or deny your application. There is almost always an additional fee associated with applying with the state, usually around $25 to $100. 

You will likely need to renew your Wisconsin medical marijuana card every one to two years, depending on the specific bill’s text.


Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get your cannabis card with a licensed physician.

Interested in using cannabis as an alternative treatment? Get
your cannabis card with a licensed physician.